Vote It Up: Book Blip

September 23, 2010

Songs on a school night

I was out late on a school night: my kids' school, my husband's school, my school - in fact I drove right from the writing class I teach and straight to a bar for dinner and some amazing indie music.  Lovely ladies and their ethereal guitars.  And voices.  First up: well, I'm sorry I didn't get her name and I was eating dinner in the front room, but she did play a mean fiddle with the headliner.  Okay, second up: The Watson Twins.  Louisville natives who, I swear, look more sophisticated and sexy at thirty-whatever than I have in my life!  They have stage presence.  Wow!  And their voices meld and twist around one another's and their guitars.  At one point, they came off of the two-inch stage and sang directly to us.  I was a foot away from their broad smiles.  Each song was accompanied by a story or some relaxed banter.  I didn't want them to leave, but then Laura Viers would never hit the stage.  Oh Laura Viers, I love you in a borderline unhealthy way.  You're a pixy in glasses and pigtails.  Your breathy voice transports me to the sea, the cliffs, the sky, or deep in a forgotten cave.  I found myself swaying with my eyes closed for most of the show.  Dreamy.

Here's a favorite Laura Viers song:

Can't find a decent Watson Twins video.  Maybe they're just better live.

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