Vote It Up: Book Blip

January 21, 2011

Blogging for choice - January 21, 2011

Today is the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  Hard to believe this important decision is younger than me (but only by a little).  Also hard to believe: we're still defending this right.  As of today, the Repubs have introduced two bills to restrict access to abortion services: "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act," is sponsored by Rep. Chris Smith, (R-NJ) and the "Protect Life Act," sponsored by Rep Joe Pitts (R-PA).  Once again, women are political pawns in a cynical game.  Listen, I can respect differences of opinion.  You don't believe in abortion, fine.  That's your prerogative.  But, please don't preach smaller government and then tell me what medical services I can and cannot receive, or which services my insurance company can cover, because of your religious convictions!  Isn't abortion a personal decision between a woman, her family, and her doctor?  I know many women who have had to seek an abortion for medical, life-saving reasons.  Sure, they would've preferred to have their babies, it just was more of a risk to continue gestating - a risk to the child and a risk to the mother.  As always, poorer women who rely on insurance to defray medical costs (hell, middle class folk like me depend on insurance to defray medical costs!) will be the ones who suffer most should any of this legislation pass.  I'm so tired of the hypocrisy of the smaller-government-anti-choice movement!  But today I am choosing to focus on the positive.  Today, I celebrate my choice to have two beautiful, healthy children, and no more.  I celebrate whatever choices you make too.

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